Within KPMG, we have a large rainbow community, and we are proud of it. Since 2017, KPMG Pride has existed. It is an active board that, together with a dedicated group of colleagues – the Rainbow Squad – works to create a pleasant and safe working environment for all LGBTQ+ individuals.
Did you know...
- Our intranet page has almost two hundred members, and an even larger group attends our activities?
- There is a Pride event every month that you can attend?
- We balance both fun and serious matters? We organize social gatherings and also contribute to inclusive policies.
- You can always turn to KPMG Pride if you have a good idea or if you are facing challenges or discrimination in the workplace? We have a direct line to the board and can truly make an impact.
- We conduct the Workplace Pride Global Benchmark every year to explore how we can further improve for our target audience?
- Our offices raise the rainbow flag on special occasions such as Coming Out Day, IDAHOBIT, and local pride days and weeks? It is important for us to outwardly demonstrate our full support.
- Our Pride room was the most popular during the KPMG party at the Ziggo Dome? (People even waited in line for it!)
Come as you are
The beauty of the KPMG Pride community is that everyone is welcome. In our network, you will meet people from all levels, departments, and locations within the organization. Our doors are always open to colleagues who do not identify as LGBTQ+. We offer workshops such as ‘How to become an ally’ to promote acceptance and awareness. In short, we are here for all KPMG employees who want to meet people, be themselves, and learn from each other.