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Career website KPMG - Terms and Conditions

Version: November 2026

These website terms and conditions ("Website Terms and Conditions") set out the conditions for using the Working For KPMG website, web address: (the "Website") of KPMG Staffing & Facility Services B.V. ("KPMG").  

1. Applicability  

1.1 These Website Terms and Conditions apply to the use of the Website. This use includes, but is not limited to, signing up for the KPMG Talent Community, tracking preferences relating to job vacancies and monitoring job applications and events. 

1.2 By using the Website, you, as a user of the Website (the "User"), agree to these Website Terms and Conditions and the accompanying privacy statement (the "Privacy Statement").  

1.3 These Website Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Statement can be accessed, downloaded, printed and saved via the Website. 

1.4 If the Website uses the services of third parties, their general terms and conditions, privacy and/or cookie policies will also apply. KPMG is not responsible for the services, general terms and conditions and privacy and cookie policies of third parties. In the event of any conflict between these Website Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Statement on the one hand and the general terms and conditions, privacy and/or cookie policies of any such third party/parties on the other hand, these Website Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Statement will prevail.  

1.5 If the Website allows participation in promotions and/or the purchase of additional KPMG services, additional terms and conditions may apply. If and to the extent that such additional terms and conditions conflict with these Website Terms and Conditions, those additional terms and conditions will prevail.  

1.6 KPMG may amend the Website Terms and Conditions from time to time. Any amendments will be announced on the Website or by email. Substantial amendments will only become effective 30 days after the User has been notified of them or at such later date as stated in the announcement. If the User continues to use the Website after this time, he/she consents to the amended Website Terms and Conditions. 

2. Access to the Website  

2.1 Upon registration, the User acquires a non-exclusive, royalty-free, limited and revocable right to access and use the Website and the content that is posted on it from time to time by or on behalf of KPMG, subject to the User's acceptance of these Website Terms and Conditions. The User is not permitted to use the Website for commercial purposes. 

2.2 The User may not make the Website and related content available to or sell or lease it to third parties or decompile, reverse engineer or modify it without KPMG's prior written consent. Nor may the User remove or work around technical measures intended to protect the Website or have such removal or work around carried out.  

2.3 KPMG is entitled, at any time, to modify the Website and its content, alter or remove data, deny the User the use of the Website, restrict its use or make access to it completely or partially, temporarily or permanently impossible.  

2.4 The login codes are personal, non-transferrable and secret. The User will use the login code(s) with due care. The User is responsible for any consequences arising from the use of the login code(s) and is liable to KPMG for any damage resulting from any such use that is in breach of these Website Terms and Conditions. The User indemnifies KPMG against any claims in this regard by third parties unless such claims are the result of intent or wilful recklessness on the part of KPMG’s managerial staff. This indemnity includes any loss suffered as well as legal and other costs incurred by KPMG in relation to such claims. 

3. Use  

3.1 The use of the Website is at the User's own expense and risk. KPMG endeavours to provide accurate and timely information. It cannot, however, provide any guarantee that such information is accurate on the date it is received or will remain so in the future.  

3.2 The User warrants the accuracy, completeness, reliability and lawfulness of any data and documents made available to KPMG, even if they originate from third parties. 

3.3 In order to be able to use the Website, the User must ensure, at his/her own expense, that he/she has the requisite equipment, system software and internet connection.  

3.4 The User will take appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure his/her equipment, infrastructure and data communication connection against viruses, malware and similar threats and to prevent his/her use leading to unauthorised third-party access to the Website. 

3.5 KPMG reserves the right to remove (unannounced) information and statements posted on the Website, without the User being able to derive any rights from this. 

4. Intellectual property rights  

4.1 All intellectual property rights and/or similar rights to the Website and its content, including the underlying software, images, video and sound clips, are vested solely and exclusively in KPMG and its licensors. 

4.2 The User will at all times respect the name and reputation of KPMG and other KPMG entities and ensure that his/her use of the Website does not in any way harm their rights and/or reputation.  

5. Liability and indemnity 

5.1 The Website has been compiled with the utmost care. However, KPMG cannot guarantee that it will always be available without interruption, errors or defects. 

5.2 Although the Website's content has been compiled with the utmost care and KPMG endeavours to provide up-to-date, accurate and complete information, it does not warrant, either explicitly or implicitly, that the information posted on the Website is in fact up-to-date, accurate and complete. The User accepts sole responsibility for his/her access to and use of the Website as well as for his/her use of the information provided on it. 

5.3 KPMG is not liable for any damage or injury resulting from the use of the Website.  

5.5 The User indemnifies KPMG against any and all claims by third parties arising from the use of the Website. The User will compensate KPMG for any and all damage and costs (including but not limited to judicial and extrajudicial costs) suffered by KPMG as a result of such claims.  

6. Termination  

6.1 The User and KPMG may terminate the use of the Website at any time without giving reasons. 

7. Governing law, dispute settlement  

7.1 These Website Terms and Conditions are governed by Dutch law.  

7.2 The competent Dutch court has jurisdiction over any and all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of the Website.